Meteor Showers
Tonight's Sky

Your Sky planets and constellations on Thu, 13-Mar-2025 04:42am CDT

Your Sky view at Thu, 13-Mar-2025 09:42:38 UTC -- click for interactive view
See Icon meanings

Sun/Moon Data for Lincoln NE:
Sunspot Activity
Sunset: 7:30 PM
Sunrise: 7:40 AM
DIY Sunspot Viewer
moon 99% illuminated - Waxing Gibbous Moon
Moonrise: 6:13 PM (12-Mar-2025)
New Moon: Sat, 29-Mar-2025 5:58am CDT
Full Moon: Fri, 14-Mar-2025 1:55am CDT
Sunspots last 30 days
Graph courtesy: Newquay Weather
  Space Wx
Space Weather

Astronomy Fact
Temperatures on Venus are hot enough to melt lead.

Phenomenal FREE Planetarium software with Satellite Tracking Stellarium

Sky Forecast
Forecasts courtesy of: ClearSky and 7timer
Color Key            
Worse                          Better                          Best Sky (including Wind)
Worse                          Best                          Worse Ground

Stellar Neighbors

Click on any star for more details.

Space Track-Satellite Passes

International Space Station ESV Ground Trace
Satellite Ground Trace courtesy:
Bright Satellite List for Lincoln, NE.
Notes about viewing ESVs:

When using lookangles, choose passes with high magnitudes; less than 6.0. ("Looks" are local time.)
Best viewing is when ESV is in Earth's penumbra; on the map, it's the solid line during night.
Dotted line on map denotes ESV is dark, in Earth's umbra (shadow).
Objects in orbit have to maintain a speed of at least 17,500mph, therefore ESVs traverse the sky noticeably different than aircraft.
ESVs appearing to blink are either tumbling rocket bodies, or spinning payloads with deployed solar arrays.
High-Eccentricity objects have a more ellongated orbit. Ground trace looks like a backwards C.
Regression-Ground traces will move West with each orbit due to Earth's rotation.

Script courtesy of: Lee from MadALwx.
Page template and Facts script courtesy of: TNET Weather on Weather-Watch.
Page Template and Moon script courtesy of: Saratoga Weather.
Graph base code courtesy of: jpGraph.